Our Family
To honor those who served the Lord,The greatest blessing in my life is that my wife, sons, daughters-in-law, grandsons, and their wives have all chosen to love and serve the Lord. My father died when I was not yet four years old, so he never knew the legacy he would leave as one who followed Christ. My mother lived to see most of her children accept Christ into their lives, and the beginning ministry of four of her sons, but she did not see live to see those four sons become full-time ministers of the Gospel, nor did she live to see the way her daughters would lead Christ-centered lives. I am certain that John and Effie Denton would have been blessed and honored to know how eight of their nine children, most of their twenty-seven grandchildren, numerous great grandchildren, and now great-great grandchildren also chose to follow Christ; several into full time ministry.
Mother came from a family of faith, as had her mother and grandmother. When my father died, it was my mother's enduring faith that saw us through difficult times. Her prayer was that we would each come to know and love the Lord. We pray that same prayer for our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, nieces and nephews, and their children and grandchildren, and we pray for the ministries in which so many of them are involved.
It is my hope that the Mark and Barbara Denton Family Foundation will serve as a way of honoring not only my parents, but all other members of the family who have decided to follow Christ. Historically, there have been numerous preachers in our family, including the Reverend Richard Denton (1603-1663) my seventh great grandfather, the first preacher in Waterstown, Massachusetts, founder of a church in Stamford, Connecticut, and the first minister of the First Presbyterian Church in the Colonies in Hempstead, Long Island, New York. Isom Gwin (1764-1830) my second great grandfather was a renowned Primitive Baptist preacher in Sevierville, Tennessee, and in Orange and Crawford Counties, Indiana. From reading wills, obituaries, church records and other articles we know that many other members of the family had a strong faith in God.
Mark Denton, Sr., President of the Board "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15